thank god i'm on a long holiday. mostly.
lately, i've been playing the fuck out of fashion dreamer & pokemon scarlet. i really didn't like scarlet when it first dropped, but the dlc (kieran) changed my mind (kieran changed my mind). what was i supposed to do when they added an adorable fucked up obsessive insecure country boy to this game?????
all my pokemon are level 100 now
my fashion dreamer muse is named sebastian. he is my cute little doll boy. i like putting him in bear hats. theres some gender euphoria happening, don't worry about it

my monthly reading. finally bought my own copy of let's go karaoke. i really can't stop thinking about let's go karaoke & neighborhood story
it's really getting to me! i miss kihyun so much!! here's a video i've been rewatching a lot. he's singing 이밤이지나면 by lim jae beum...ive started listening to this song thanks to this video. its my favorite kind of retro vibe.
he was in such rare form during the midnight idol era. i keep thinking...i hope he comes back from the military singing more music like this. i feel like his voice is so rich and lovely, and honestly i'd love to hear him sing retro soft rock like this.
i could listen to him sing like this forever, i think.